Thursday, September 17, 2009

Read It and Weep

This ad from Amnesty International makes a bold statement about child soldiers and AI's goal to abolish their use. This is a clear use of pathos, an emotional argument or an argument from the heart. We are used to seeing caution signs every day that say "Caution:Children Playing".

This sign makes the point that, while our children are playing, other children in other countries are at war. Our children carry cell phones and play video games. Their children carry grenades and lay mines. Our children play "capture the flag" and learn to count and spell. Their children scout out the enemy and learn to be snipe-shooters.

Many parents complain that their children are too wild with their toy guns, or have too much violence on their videos game, and often that is true. But can you imagine, even for a moment, sending your child out with a real gun? Sending him or her off with explosives to do the work of your political or religious leader? Does that thought frighten you? That is the emotion that this poster is trying to excite. Your fear, and your pity. Can you picture those two children playing on the see-saw, with guns in their hands? Kids that are really never allowed to be kids. Kids that never get a chance to relax and have fun because they don't know when the next call to battle might come. You cannot really look at this poster without saying "How sad."

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