Saturday, February 22, 2014

8:30pm May 12, Karanda

We're at Karanda! What a day. We are finally here.
Its early afternoon back home, the family is done with church, Bethany should finally be starting summer vacation and Sarah is graduating. I hope she knows that I am thinking of her.
Our trusty load-bearers
On the other hand, my day has been almost too busy to think. We packed up and headed out this morning. It took us about two and a half hours to make it to Karanda in our two loaded up vehicles. I was lucky enough to fall asleep along the way.

Traveling out into the country

Our passing view of a popular animist cult. They often
dress in all white when at worship.
The drive was beautiful. The land looked more like Africa the farther we drove. Lots of scrubby trees. Brown and green mountains. We saw Mount Darwin. Thatched huts sat in clumps beside the road. We had to pass through several police roadblocks on the way, but were merely waved through (probably because of the Karanda sign on the side of the truck). The last seven kilometers consisted of graded dirt path between and through fields, and then crossing a river and climbing a steep hill.

The supplies I brought over in my extra suitcase. Friends from
my church and school donated everything
from toys to medical supplies to coffee.
There is quite a big compound here. I'm not sure what to think of it. So many houses, and of course, the hospital and the school. We're sharing the guest house with the McQuillens, Paul and April (both doctors) and their two kids. Sarah and I are staying in the dorm. We had six beds and four closets to choose from! I like the quiet of this room. My ability to spread out and not be cluttered.

Tonight we played "flag-flag" or capture the flag with the kids. They were disappointed when we weren't here Friday to play, so we made up for it today. The kids haven't played in six or seven months, so theur grasp of the rules was a little off. We played as the Zambian and Zimbabwe teams. I was on Zimbabwe, the winning team. I made myself a little friend, Rutenda, or Ruru, in the process.

The dorms of the nursing school within the hospital compound

Poor Kristy twisted her ankle, so she spent the rest of the night elevating and icing it. We made some delicious grilled cheese for dinner, had some more info given by Naomi, and now have the rest of the evening to ourselves. Tour tomorrow at 8:30 am.

Tonight, I switched from Philippians to 2 Timothy for devotionals. Dr. Russell said it is a good book for the mission-minded. 2 Timothy 1:7 "For the Lord did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power and loves and self-discipline."

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